Thursday, 12 November 2009

Kentigern House campaign update

Labour MEP for the north west, Brian Simpson has written to The Rt Hon Bob Ainsworth – Secretary of State for Defence on our behalf over the sale of Kentigern house. You can see his letter here .

This was a pretty quick response and we are very happy to have him on board. He promises an update when he gets a response from Bob.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Monday, 9 November 2009

Unlucky for some?

On this Friday, the 13th, to 'celebrate' the start of the HP SPVA Interim Contract, HP have arranged a complimentary breakfast for all SPVA staff. (Unless of course you aren't at core sites... sorry IPPH and VWS!)
We think that this scheme smacks of corporate hospitality. (Should we enter it in the gift book?)

We also believe that we, the taxpayer, will pay for it (indirectly) if we haven't paid for it already.

We think this idea is nuts, and that there are easier and more ethical ways of getting a breakfast.

What do you think?

Kentigern House Sale

The sale of Kentigern House in Glasgow is going ahead.
A 20 year lease is being sought in exchange for £47 million pounds. (We understand an offer in excess of £50 million has already been received.)

The actual cost to the taxpayer however over the 20 year lease period will be in the region of £140 million when rent and maintenance costs are calculated.

We believe this to be entirely unacceptable and have sent letters to our Parliamentary representatives in protest and urge all members wherever they are based to do so.

The Veterans Agency branch have written to MPs, MSPs and MEPs and urge all members to do so. A draft letter can be viewed and retrieved here. Please ammend and personalize for your particular location. You can easily send your representatives an electronic letter through writetothem .