Wednesday, 16 September 2009

The axe man cometh

Yesterday the Mail published an article attacking facilities given to trade union representatives in the civil service.

Yet another area that is targeted to be axed by whichever government we eventually work for?

Read the article here


  1. Strange how little is mentioned of market failure in explaining the deficit as the media attempt to focus on the CS and TU's. Anyway, isn't the owner a non-dom?

  2. Was Texan, now what? Californian, Chinese? Probably deeply entangled in multi-national finance. The media darlings with their 15 second attention spans will focus their attentions where politicians have directed them and for whatever purpose that might be. In this case I feel to distract from the reality of the mega-theft against working people, their savings pensions and pay, by the rich and priveledged.
